Showing 1 - 10 of 185
We use inflation and income growth expectations from the ECB Consumer Expectations Survey to measure the subjective … expected pass-through of inflation to income in the main euro area countries. By aggregating consumers' responses to … methodology allows one to examine how the pass-through varies along the probability distribution of expected inflation, which …
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Small open economies within a monetary union have a limited range of stabilisation tools, as area-wide nominal interest and exchange rates do not respond to country-specific shocks. Such limitations imply that imbalances can be difficult to resolve. We assess the role that government spending...
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This paper discusses the recent wave of research that has emphasized the importance of measures of consumers' inflation … expectations. In contrast to other measures of expected inflation, such as for experts or financial market participants, consumers …' inflation expectations capture the broader distribution of societal beliefs about inflation. This research has revealed very …
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This paper provides new survey evidence on firms' inflation expectations in the euro area. Building on the ECB's Survey … on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE), we introduce consistent measurement of inflation expectations across … firms' inflation expectations and show that firms disagree about future inflation more than professional forecasters but …
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This paper investigates the factors behind developments in inflation expectations in euro area, the U.S. and the U …-term inflation expectations onto international ones, in particular the U.S., since August 2014. This finding has some important … inflation expectations since the autumn 2014 (Yellen, 2015). From a research perspective, our findings suggest that the …
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This paper analyses price formation in medium- to longer-term maturity segments of euro area and US inflation … inflation expectations in the two currency areas before and during the crisis. We find a somewhat stronger anchoring of … inflation expectations in the euro area than in the United States. During the crisis, the degree of anchoring of inflation …
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In a number of countries a substantial proportion of mortgage loans is denominated in foreign currency. In this paper we demonstrate how their presence affects economic policy and agents' welfare. To this end we construct a small open economy model with housing loans denominated in domestic or...
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Various approaches have been employed to explore the possibility of non-linear feedback between the real and financial sector. The present study focuses on the impact of real shocks on selected financial sector indicators, and the responses of the real economy to impulses emanating from the...
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focus on Finland. We use quarterly data from 1980Q1 to 2013Q2, in order to create a large number of macro …
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