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This paper reviews recent approaches to modeling the labour market and assessestheir implications for in‡ation dynamics through both their e¤ect on marginalcost and on price-setting behaviour. In a search and matching environment, weconsider the following modeling setups: right-to-manage...
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This paper focuses on tenure driven productivity dynamics of a firm-worker match asa potential explanation of "unemployment volatility puzzle". We let new matches andcontinuing jobs differ by their productivity levels and by their sensitivity to aggregateproductivity shocks. As a result, new...
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In this paper we present an extension of the Taylor model with staggered wages inwhich wage-setting is also influenced by reference norms (i.e. by benchmark wages).We show that reference norms can considerably increase the persistence of inflationand the extent of real wage rigidity but that...
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This paper reviews recent approaches to modeling the labour market and assesses their implications for inflation … volatile inflation. Models with wage stickiness and right-to-manage bargaining or with firm-specific labour emerge as the most …
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This paper examines the impact of downward wage rigidity (nominal and real) onoptimal steady-state inflation. For this … andFinland). The calibrated heterogeneous agent models are then solved for differentsteady state rates of inflation to derive …
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Between the start of the economic and financial crisis in 2008, and early 2010, almost four million jobs were lost in the euro area. Employment began to rise again in the first half of 2011, but declined once more at the end of that year and remains at around three million workers below the...
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The aim of this report, which has been prepared by a Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Eurosystem, is to describe and analyse the main developments in labour supply and its determinants in the euro area, review the links between labour supply and labour market institutions,...
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The aim of this report, which has been prepared by a Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Eurosystem, is to describe and analyse the main developments in labour supply and its determinants in the euro area, review the links between labour supply and labour market institutions,...
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which induce smooth inflation also dampen the adjustment of wages in response to shocks. In the search and matching … Phillips curve is that inflation is not only driven by an output gap but also by an employment gap – a feature usually …
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All else equal, higher wages translate into higher inflation. More rigid wages imply a weaker response of inflation to …
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