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Le present document de recherche revele que les antecedents familiaux (niveau de scolarite des parents, type de famille, ethnicite, lieu de residence) exercent des effets importants, directs et indirects, sur la participation aux etudes postsecondaires. Les effets indirects des antecedents...
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La presente etude vise a evaluer les effets des competences en litteratie et en numeratie sur les resultats sur le marche du travail des decrocheurs du secondaire au Canada. Nous avons determine que ces competences ont des repercussions significatives sur la probabilite d'etre occupe, ainsi que...
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Dans cet article, on fait etat de nouvelles donnees sur les relations entre l'acces aux etudes postsecondaires et les antecedents familiaux. A cette fin, on utilise les donnees tirees de l'Enquete aupres des sortants (EAS) et celles de l'Enquete aupres des jeunes en transition (EJET) pour...
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This paper presents new evidence on the relationships between access to postsecondary education and family background. It uses the School Leavers Survey (SLS) and the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) to analyse participation rates in 1991 and 2000.
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This paper examines trends in earnings, using tax-based longitudinal data from the last two decades and synthetic cohort analysis.
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This study assesses the effects of literacy and numeracy skills on the labour market outcomes of Canadian high school drop-outs. We find that these skills have significant effects on the probability of being employed and on hours and weeks of work for both men and women, and also have strong...
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Dans cet article, on utilise la base de donnees fiscales longitudinales canadiennes pour estimer des modeles du recours a l'assistance sociale (ou a l'aide sociale) au cours d'une annee donnee, ainsi que la dynamique sous-jacente : entree dans le regime d'assistance sociale d'une annee a...
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Dans cette etude, on utilise les donnees longitudinales extraites des dossiers fiscaux des deux dernieres decennies et l'analyse par cohortes synthetiques pour examiner les tendances des revenus.
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In this paper, Canadian longitudinal tax-based data are used to estimate models of the receipt of social assistance, or welfare, in a given year as well as the underlying dynamics: entry onto social assistance from one year to another, exit from a given spell of social assistance and re-entry...
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This research finds that family background (parental education level, family type, ethnicity, location) has important direct and indirect effects on post-secondary participation. The indirect effects of background operate through a set of intermediate variables representing high school outcomes...
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