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Higher education contributes to economic innovation. This study measures and compares the extent to which national …’ for higher education institutions, or in other words provide them with appropriate resources and regulatory environments … higher education performance in education, research and economic innovation, using non-arbitrary weights and eighteen policy …
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We study the recent evolution of the college wage gap with a unique data set that comprises two cohorts and 10 European countries from the early to mid 1980s to the mid to late 1990s. We find evidence of significant cross country differences in the level and dynamics of the gap. There is also...
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In this paper we estimate the effect of education on lifetime earnings in Europe, by distinguishing between individuals …. We instrument years of education using reforms of compulsory education in nine different countries, and find that … education. Our main result is that books at home at age ten have had long-lasting beneficial effects on the individuals who were …
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We study the contribution of health-related behaviors to the health-education gradient by distinguishing between short … we consider the entire history of behaviors. We use an empirical approach that addresses the endogeneity of education and … behaviors in the health production function. Focusing on self-reported poor health as our health outcome, we find that education …
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In this paper we investigate the contribution of health related behaviors to the education gradient, using an empirical … approach that addresses the endogeneity of both education and behaviors in the health production function. We apply this … approach to a multi-country data set, which includes 12 European countries and has information on education, health and health …
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I use the European Community Household Panel to ask whether unemployment affects the relationship between education and … subsequent earnings growth. show that individuals with more education have more to lose in terms of subsequent earnings growth … from the experience of unemployment. This result partially compensates the fact that more education reduces the incidence …
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education over the working life of individuals. We find evidence that employees with tertiary education have steeper experience … profiles than employees with upper secondary or compulsory education. Hence, education provides not only an initial labor … in earnings growth by education are lower in countries with a higher level of corporatism and higher in countries which …
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This paper is an empirical investigation of the complementarity between education and training in 13 European countries … higher among individuals with more education, I find that the relationship between educational attainment and training … Kaitz index. I also find evidence that individuals with more education and limited labor market experience enjoy higher …
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Education yields substantial non-monetary benefits, but the size of these gains is still debated. Previous studies, for … example, report contradictory effects of education and compulsory schooling on mortality – ranging from zero to large … compulsory education both in the shorter and longer run. In contrast, compulsory schooling reforms have little or no effect on …
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s, to identify the impact of education on religious adherence and religious practices. Using micro data from the … impact of schooling on superstitious beliefs. We find that more education, due to increased mandatory years of schooling …
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