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Consider a rational expectations (RE) model that includes a relationship between variables x<sub>t</sub> and z<sub>t+1</sub>. To be considered structural and potentially useful as a guide to actual behavior, this model must specify whether x<sub>t</sub> is influenced by the expectation at t of z<sub>t+1</sub> or, alternatively, that z<sub>t+1</sub>...
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Recent mainstream monetary policy analysis focuses on rational expectation solutions that are uniquely stable. A number of recent studies have examined the question of whether typical New Keynesian (NK) models, with policy rules that satisfy the Taylor principle, also exhibit solutions with...
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Linear RE models typically possess a multiplicity of solutions. Consider, however, the requirement that the solution coefficients must not be infinitely discontinuous in the model's structural parameters. In particular, we require that the solutions should be continuous in the limit as those...
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This paper concerns the minimal-state-variable (MSV) criterion for selection among solutions in rational expectations (RE) models that feature a multiplicity of paths that satisfy all of the model's conditions. It compares the MSV criterion with others that have been proposed, including the...
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After some historical discussion of the rational expectations (RE) solution procedures of John Muth, Alan Walters, and Robert Lucas, this paper considers the relevance for actual economies of issues stemming from the existence of multiple RE equilibria. In all linear models, the minimum state...
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An elementary exposition is presented of a convenient and practical solution procedure for a broad class of linear rational expectations models. The undetermined-coefficient approach utilized keeps the mathematics very simple and permits consideration of alternative solution criteria.
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Recently it has been argued that a monetary policy of nominal income and targeting" would result in dynamically unstable processes for output and inflation. That results holds in a" theoretical model that includes backward-looking IS an Phillips curve relations rather special and theoretically...
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conducting analysis in a macroeconomic model that is designed to respect both neoclassical theory and empirical regularities …
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Cochrane (2007) has strongly questioned the basic economic logic of current mainstream monetary policy analysis, arguing that the standard notion --that "determinacy" of a rational expectations (RE) equilibrium suffices to imply that stable inflation behavior will be generated -- is incorrect....
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This paper conducts counterfactual historical analysis of several monetary policy rules by contrasting actual settings of instrument variables with values that would have been specified by the rules in response to prevailing conditions. Of particular interest is whether major policy mistakes,...
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