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. The bankruptcy code is a "primitive creditor system" and financial distress leads to an arbitration between private … agreement and costly formal bankruptcy. We consider a standard debt contract between a bank and a small firm, both risk … show that costly formal bankruptcies may occur at equilibrium and the internalization of bankruptcy costs is impossible …
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The aim of this paper is to provide new evidence on the value-creation process taking place in bankruptcy procedures … extent the debtor’s value can be preserved under bankruptcy by analyzing the recovery rates in France, Germany, and the … United Kingdom. We use a unique European sample of 900 corporate bankruptcy files that were manually collected in commercial …
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Using data from financial reorganization plans filed by insolvent Canadian firms, we estimate the discount rate implicit in theunsecured creditors' reorganization decision. Using (HARA) utility functions, we find the implicit monthly discount rate of creditors to be 4.9%, which corresponds to an...
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Under the assumption that asset markets are incomplete, this paper introduces bankruptcy in an intertemporal … argues that intervention in the form of a level of bankruptcy exemption can enhance not only social welfare but also … distributive equity. The bankruptcy law is carefully specified in the model. The model generates distributional changes in …
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general equilibrium model. Binding ceilings on loan rates reduce the probability of bankruptcy. Lower bankruptcy rates result … in lower bankruptcy and liquidation costs. The authors state conditions under which the resources freed by this cost …
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bankruptcy procedure is triggered off. This arbitration depends on the legal context and, more specifically, on the national … bankruptcy code. No study has been done on the French Civil Law. Yet, this legal system has inspired other important legislations … inclination for liquidation, collaterals may increase the occurrence of bankruptcy, provided the law facilitates such liquidation …
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the distribution probability of the shock, evaluate a bankruptcy risk and, at the second stage, firms are engaged in a … increases the bankruptcy probability of the merging firms while a similar merger concerning unleveraged firms or between the two … categories of firms leads to a decrease in the bankruptcy probability of leveraged firms. Moreover, the minimum number of firms …
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The evolutions of the bankruptcy law seek to reach many aims: economic safety, firms' creation and expansion in a … ability to protect creditors' interest of the bankruptcy law. We show that far from being only one means of selection thanks … to which the market could be cleared of its failing agents, the bankruptcy law opens a non commercial space of resolution …
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We analyze the effect of the degree of judicial enforcement on the probability of credit constraints, the amount of loan and the probability of default. Contrary to the traditional view on judicial efficiency of credit market, our estimation results show that better judicial enforcement...
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defaults and bankruptcy. Building on a simple model for the joint determination of the repayments of interbank claims, this …
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