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search costs, plus more general matching and bargaining. This allows us to study many new issues, including entry, efficiency …
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While high uncertainty is an inherent implication of the economy entering the zero lower bound, deflation is not, because agents are likely to be uncertain about the way policymakers will deal with the large stock of debt arising from a severe recession. We draw this conclusion based on a...
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We develop and estimate a general equilibrium model in which monetary policy can deviate from active inflation stabilization and agents face uncertainty about the nature of these deviations. When observing a deviation, agents conduct Bayesian learning to infer its likely duration. Under...
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We develop methods to solve general equilibrium models in which forward-looking agents are subject to waves of pessimism, optimism, and uncertainty that turn out to critically affect macroeconomic outcomes. Agents in the model are fully rational, conduct Bayesian learning, and they know that...
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We develop a model of commodity money and use it to analyze the following two questions motivated by issues in monetary …
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devised to cure the problem. We use a cash-in-advance model of commodity money to define a currency shortage, show that they … could develop and persist under commodity money regime, and analyze the role played by each ingredient in the standard …
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Previous studies have shown that a random-matching model with divisible at money and without constraint on agents …' money inventories possesses a continuum of stationary single-price equilibria. Wallace [7] conjectured that the … indeterminacy can be eliminated by the use of commodity money, just as the elimination of the contin- uum of dynamic (non …
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, price-setting conduct. Money is modeled as perfectly divisible and there is no constraint on agents' money inventories. In … such an environment with discounting, the endogenous heterogeneity of money balances among agents implies differences in … marginal valuation of money between distinct pairs of traders, which raises the question whether decentralized trade would …
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