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Explanations of why changes in the relative quantities of safe debt seem to affect asset prices often appeal informally to a “portfolio balance” mechanism. I show how this type of effect can be incorporated in a general class of structural, arbitrage-free asset-pricing models using a...
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term structures of risk-free rates. In our framework, distinct core, food, and energy price series combine into a measure … inflation-indexed bond market. Finally, we find a pronounced declining pattern in the inflation risk premium that illustrates … the changing nature of inflation risk in nominal Treasuries. …
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We study a model with heterogeneous producers that face collateral and cash in advance constraints. These two frictions give rise to a non-trivial financial market in a monetary economy. A tightening of the collateral constraint results in a credit-crunch generated recession. The model can...
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at several maturities into components reflecting counterparty credit risk and funding-market liquidity. To account for … longer maturities, credit risk explains much of the time variation in Libor, reflecting in part fluctuations in the degree to … which default risk is priced in the interbank market. Our results are consistent with banks both under- and over …
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This review article examines the role of labor income risk in determining the value of a person’s human capital. We … to assess the value and risk of pension promises. Finally, we discuss how to enrich the environment with heterogeneity in …
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In this paper, we lay out a simple framework that captures much of what the theoretical literature has to say about the role of credit in systemically important asset booms and busts. In addition, we suggest ways in which to incorporate physical investment in the bubble asset as well as monetary...
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Entrepreneurs need cash to finance their real investments. Since cash is costly to hold, entrepreneurs will underinvest. If entrepreneurs can access financial markets prior to learning about an investment opportunity, they can sell some of their less liquid assets for cash and, as a result,...
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In the repo market, forward agreements are security-specific (i.e., there are no deliverable substitutes), which makes it an ideal place to measure the value of fluctuations in a security's available supply. In this study, we quantify the scarcity value of Treasury collateral by estimating the...
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-based ex-post measures of macroeconomic risk. Inflation uncertainty is an important driver of bond premia, but the relation …
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