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unambiguously leads to accelerating inflation. A policy of maintaining a fixed composition of government liabilities leads to … accelerating (decelerating) inflation if agents have sufficiently high (low) levels of risk aversion. A policy of inflation … targeting produces falling nominal and real interest rates, while a policy of fixing the rate of money growth can easily lead to …
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money coexists with a real asset, and no restrictions are imposed on payment arrangements. The liquidity of the real asset …
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I extend and discuss the model of asset liquidity by Lester, Postlewaite, and Wright (2007, 2008). I consider a model with decentralized trades in which claims on a real and divisible asset serve as means of payment. A recognizability problem is introduced by assuming that the claims on the...
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What implications do 21st century monetary innovations bring for holdings of central bank money and standards of value …? Emerging technologies such as cybercash, e-cash, and smart cards can be expected to reduce demand for central bank money, but … the theoretical framework for monetary policy has not changed. The authors stress three points in this paper: 1) money …
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We construct a model in which capital competes with fiat money as a medium of exchange, and establish conditions on … fundamentals under which fiat money can be both valued and socially beneficial. When the socially efficient stock of capital is too … rule, fiat money provides just enough liquidity so that agents choose to accumulate the same capital stock a social planner …
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Given estimates of shipping costs and scale economies for high-speed currency sorting, the authors investigate whether the Federal Reserve might lower its costs by reallocating the volume of sorting among its processing sites.
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Recent legislation has removed U.S. legal impediments to issuing private bank notes. At the same time, improved transaction technologies have enabled banks and other entities to issue various forms of "e-cash." Consequently, developed economies may soon see the reemergence of privately issued...
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I study random-matching economies where at money coexists with real assets, and no restrictions are imposed on payment … the usefulness of at money. The liquidity of the real asset, as measured by its transaction velocity, is shown to depend …
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This paper develops a model of currency circulation under asymmetric information. Agents are heterogeneous and trade in bilateral matches. Coins are intrinsically valuable and are available in two weights, light and heavy. We characterize the equilibrium under complete information and under...
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We revisit classic questions concerning the effects of money on investment in a new framework: a two-sector model where …
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