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I study random-matching economies where at money coexists with real assets, and no restrictions are imposed on payment … the usefulness of at money. The liquidity of the real asset, as measured by its transaction velocity, is shown to depend …
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We revisit classic questions concerning the effects of money on investment in a new framework: a two-sector model where …
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analyze an economy where there is no transaction demand for money balances: Money is a mere unit of account. We determine a … transaction role for money. In the absence of menu costs, the Friedman rule is optimal. In the presence of menu costs, the optimal …
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goal of targeting inflation rates. A central theme of all three works is the desirability of abstracting from money demand … in the analysis of monetary policy. In our review we focus the bulk of our discussion on the absence of money in these …
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model with divisible money, we show how this choice matters for important results such as the ability of the optimal …
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This paper integrates money into a real model of agency costs. Money is introduced by imposing a cash …
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timing, duration, amplitude, and comovement of cycles in money, credit, and output. Regressions show that financial distress …
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An estimation of an optimal program of distortionary taxes, money growth, and borrowing to finance a stream of …
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A study of the effects of expectations and central bank credibility on the economy's dynamic transition path during a disinflation. Using a version of the Fuhrer-Moore model, it compares simulations under different specifications that vary according to the way expectations are formed and the...
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Recessions are associated with both rising oil prices and increases in the federal funds rate. Are recessions caused by the spikes in oil prices or by the sharp tightening of monetary policy? This paper discusses the difficulties in disentangling these two effects.
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