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a burst of inflation that devalues the existing nominal debt stock. The probability of this outcome places upward … pressure on inflation expectations and poses a substantial challenge to a central bank pursuing an inflation target. The … distribution of outcomes for the path of future inflation has a fat right tail, revealing that only a small set of outcomes imply …
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We develop the theory of price-level determination in a range of models using both ad hoc policy rules and jointly optimal monetary and fiscal policies and discuss empirical issues that arise when trying to identify monetary-fiscal regime. The article concludes with directions in which...
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current and future inflation innovations to revalue government debt, reducing reliance on distorting taxes; (2) the role of … inflation in optimal fiscal financing increases with the average maturity of government debt; (3) as average maturity rises, it … is optimal to tradeoff inflation for output stabilization; (4) inflation is relatively more important as a fiscal shock …
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target inflation, and fiscal policy should smooth taxes while ensuring debt sustainability. Such policy prescriptions … presuppose an ability to commit. Without that ability, the temptation to use inflation surprises to offset monopoly and tax … debt levels and short-term debt exacerbate the inflation bias. But this produces a debt stabilization bias because the …
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policy mix been in place, American might have avoided the Great Inflation. Enhancing cooperation between policy makers …
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in light of this reasoning, bringing recent Swedish inflation and interest-rate developments to bear on the …
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inform the fiscal rules that countries choose to follow. It makes two points: (1) monetary policy control of inflation …
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Single-equation estimates of fiscal reaction functions, which relate primary surpluses to past debt-GDP ratios and control variables, are subject to potentially serious simultaneity bias that can produce misleading inferences about fiscal behavior. Biases arise from failure to model the general...
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interpret data. When monetary policy actively targets inflation, output multipliers can exceed one, but investment multipliers …
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control inflation and influence the economy in the usual ways. The paper discusses models of fiscal limits and their …
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