Showing 1 - 10 of 18
We revisit the risk-return relation using the component GARCH model and international daily MSCI stock market data. In contrast with the previous evidence obtained from weekly and monthly data, daily data show that the relation is positive in almost all markets and often statistically...
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This paper revisits the time-series relation between the conditional risk premium and variance of the equity market portfolio. The main innovation is that we construct a measure of the ex ante equity market risk premium using corporate bond yield spread data. This measure is forward-looking and...
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This paper resuscitates the credit-cycle theory of Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) in a two-agent RBC model with conventional … preferences and standard neoclassical technologies. It is shown that small transitory shocks to credit demand (or supply) can … generate large, highly persistent, dampened cycles in aggregate output. Key to our results is the interaction between credit …
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Credit affects the economy via various channels: its price, collateral requirements and the extent of rationing. Would … the intensity of monetary transmission be affected by the market structure of the credit industry? Using a spatial … competition framework I demonstrate how credit market structure can affect the transmission of monetary policy changes into real …
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We construct a dynamic, general equilibrium model of tax evasion where agents choose to report some of their income. Unreported income requires using a payment method that avoids recordkeeping – cash. Trade using cash to avoid taxes is the theoretical measure of the shadow economy from our...
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innovation can be applied to closely related environments used elsewhere in the literature that study insurance and credit … markets under limited commitment and private information. The analysis demonstrates clearly how insurance, credit, and money …
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delivered by Mr. Poole at St. Louis University on Oct. 20, 1998, which was titled "A Perspective on Credit Markets Today." …
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Remarks before the St. Louis Society of Financial Analysts, St. Louis - Jan. 21, 1999
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to construct quarterly gross credit flows (credit expansion and credit contraction series) for the U.S. banking system … during the period 1999:Q1-2008:Q4 and provide new evidence on changes in lending. We show that credit expansion, as defined … in this paper, began declining during the first half of 2008 while credit contraction began steeply increasing only …
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We examine the effects of endogenously determined realignment expectations in a model of a target zone with sluggish price adjustment. We allow these expectations to be based on a policy rule that generates an increasing probability of realignment as output moves away from full employment. We...
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