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In this paper we use a standard neoclassical model supplemented by some frictions to understand large price swings in the housing market. We construct a two good general equilibrium model in which housing is a composite good produced using structures and land. We revisit the connection between...
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Using hedonic models, we analyze the effects of noise and proximity on housing prices in neighborhoods near Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport during 1995-2002. We address complications caused by changes over time in the levels and geographic distribution of noise and by the fact...
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China’s average household saving rate is one of the highest in the world. One popular view attributes the high saving rate to fast rising housing prices and other costs of living in China. This article uses simple economic logic to show that rising housing prices and living costs per se cannot...
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We analyze the relationship between housing and the business cycle in a set of 51 U.S. cities. Most surprisingly, we find that declines in house prices are often not followed by declines in employment. We also find that national permits are a better leading indicator for a city’s employment...
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aggregate economic activity variables, for forecasting U.S. business cycle phases (expansions and recessions.) In this paper, we …
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Presentation to the School of Business & Management, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - March 5, 2003
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Presentation to the Midwest Economic Education Conference, St. Louis - April 11, 2002
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Presentation at Lambuth University, Jackson, Tenn. - April 4, 2002
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NBER-dated recessions and expansions. Also, the Markov-switching form of nonlinearity is statistically significant and the … “bounce-back” effect is large, implying that the permanent effects of recessions are small. Meanwhile, having accounted for … find larger permanent effects of recessions. …
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This article presents a new Qual VAR model for incorporating information from qualitative and/or discrete variables in vector autoregressions. With a Qual VAR, it is possible to create dynamic forecasts of the qualitative variable using standard VAR projections. Previous forecasting methods for...
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