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speculators are capital constrained, and commodity producers have hedging demands for commodity futures. Increases (decreases) in … producers' hedging demand (speculators' risk-capacity) increase hedging costs via price-pressure on futures, reduce producers … associated with producer hedging demand rises when speculative activity reduces. We conclude that limits to financial arbitrage …
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). Financially constrained firms reduce operational hedging through inventory and supply chain in favor of cash holdings. Our model … predicts that firms' markup increases with financial default risk as they cut operational hedging costs. Empirical analysis …' strategic adjustments in operational hedging practices …
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Derivatives exposures across large financial institutions often contribute to - if not necessarily create - systemic risk. Current reporting standards for derivatives exposures are nevertheless inadequate for assessing these systemic risk contributions. In this paper, I explain how a...
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We argue that a firm's aggregate risk is a key determinant of whether it manages its future liquidity needs through cash reserves or bank lines of credit. Banks create liquidity for firms by pooling their idiosyncratic risks. As a result, firms with high aggregate risk find it costly to get...
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We analyze the link between creditor rights and firms' investment policies, proposing that stronger creditor rights in bankruptcy reduce corporate risk-taking. In cross-country analysis, we find that stronger creditor rights induce greater propensity of firms to engage in diversifying...
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How do firms mitigate the impact of rising temperatures on employment? Using establishment-level data, we show that firms operating in multiple counties in the United States respond to heat shocks by reducing employment in the affected locations and increasing it in unaffected locations, whereas...
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We explore the design of climate stress tests to assess and manage macro-prudential risks from climate change in the financial sector. We review the climate stress scenarios currently employed by regulators, highlighting the need to (i) consider many transition risks as dynamic policy choices;...
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firms will allocate excess cash flows into cash holdings if their hedging needs are high (i.e., if the correlation between … current debt if their hedging needs are low. The empirical examination of cash and debt policies of a large sample of … financially constrained firms with high hedging needs have a strong propensity to save cash out of cash flows, while showing no …
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We document that the convenience yield of U.S. Treasuries exhibits properties that are consistent with a hedging … inflation expectations that erode the hedging properties of U.S. Treasuries and other fixed-income money-like assets, inducing a …
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