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Recent energy shortfalls in renewables-dominated electricity markets call for a mechanism to ensure demand is met under …--caused by its interaction with fixed-price forward contracts for energy. Large generators can trigger the option exercise … respond to these incentives. We analyze a standardized energy contracting approach to long-term resource adequacy that does …
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Given a European derivative security with an arbitrary payoff function and a corresponding set of" underlying … securities on which the derivative security is based, we solve the dynamic replication problem: find a" self-financing dynamic …
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Implicit in the prices of traded financial assets are Arrow- Debreu state prices or, in the continuous-state case, the state-price density (SPD). We construct an estimator for the SPD implicit in option prices and derive an asymptotic sampling theory for this estimator to gauge its accuracy. The...
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elasticity of variance, stochastic volatility, and jump-diffusion models. Since options are derivative assets, the central …
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This paper develops a dynamic programming model of the optimal refunding strategy and the corresponding value of a callable bond. The model differs from previous work on this subject primarily in that it explicitly admits the possibility of differences between the issuer's expectations of future...
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The notion of model-free implied volatility (MFIV), constituting the basis for the highly publicized VIX volatility index, can be hard to measure with accuracy due to the lack of precise prices for options with strikes in the tails of the return distribution. This is reflected in practice as the...
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We develop a tractable and flexible stochastic volatility multi-factor model of the term structure of interest rates. It features correlations between innovations to forward rates and volatilities, quasi-analytical prices of zero-coupon bond options and dynamics of the forward rate curve, under...
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We present a novel empirical benchmark for analyzing credit risk using "pseudo firms" that purchase traded assets financed with equity and zero-coupon bonds. By no-arbitrage, pseudo bonds are equivalent to Treasuries minus put options on pseudo-firm assets. Empirically, like corporate spreads,...
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This paper develops a method for option hedging which is consistent with time-varying preferences and probabilities … one-day ahead forecast of derivative price distributions and minimum variance hedge ratios. Empirical results suggest that … the spread between implied and objective volatilities. Hedging results reveal that typical hedging techniques for out …
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This paper addresses the issue of hedging option positions when the underlying asset exhibits stochastic volatility. By … parameterizing the volatility process as GARCH, and utilizing risk- neutral valuation, we estimate hedging parameters (delta and … gamma) using Monte-Carlo simulation. We estimate hedging parameters for options on the Standard and Poor's 500 index, a bond …
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