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seen on the demand-side and the supply-side. Main demand-side policies could be the following: energy saving and efficiency â€¦ factors that could affect described policies could be the liberalization of international trade even in the energy sector and â€¦
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We compare a range of energy efficiency policies in a durable good market subject to both energy-use externalities and â€¦-end good. The rates should always be decreasing in energy efficiency. With per-quality subsidies, there is no such interference â€¦ product line if consumers are not too dissimilar, otherwise it should only target the low-end good. An energy tax should be â€¦
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We focus on two utility programs intended to reduce energy usage and the associated CO2 emissions—a home energy audit â€¦ possible confounders that might be influence energy usage. Since the programs are voluntary, we seek to restore near â€¦ the energy audit group but appear to be stronger in the winter for the heat pump rebate group. Adding house â€¦
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This paper compares different results from a set of energy scenarios produced by international energy experts, in order â€¦ to analyze projections on increasing European external energy dependence and vulnerability. Comparison among different â€¦ scenarios constitutes the basis of a critical review of existing energy security policies, suggesting alternative or â€¦
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performance of the most developed countries. While several authors have considered the direct channels of transmission of energy â€¦
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The issue of security of gas supplies is frequently discussed on the basis of intuitive and non-systematic arguments. Greater import dependence is normally equated with greater insecurity, and strategic stocks are the risk management tool most commonly considered. This paper strives to offer a...
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This paper is a first attempt to investigate the effect of climate on the demand for different energy vectors from â€¦ on key consumption goods and primary factors such as energy vectors. This paper addresses these issues by means of a â€¦ demand of energy vectors as consumption goods and on their demand as primary factors. In general, residential demand responds â€¦
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imported supply sources and in light of energy demand for gas that is continuously increasing. Discussions have emphasised â€¦
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In order to reach a goal of universal access to modern energy services in Africa by 2030, consideration of various â€¦
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In addition to the already present Climate and Energy package, the European Union (EU) plans to include a binding â€¦ target to reduce energy consumption. We analyze the rationales the EU invokes to justify such an overlapping and develop a â€¦ renewable energy (RE) production and reducing energy demand through energy efficiency (EE) investments. We find that although â€¦
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