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of wealth production in such countries. On this assumption, countries with huge oil reserves including Iran, should not … examine the dependence of Iran’s economic systems (as one of the major exporters of petroleum products) on oil revenues, the … and redefine the issue. Thus, in addition to an overview of Iran’s unique geographical and demographic features and a …
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small world network. This paper develops a strategic network formation model where agents have heterogeneous knowledge of … the network: cognizant agents know the whole network, while ignorant ones are less knowledgeable. For a broad range of … have higher betweenness centrality: they are the brokers who connect different parts of the network. Ignorant agents cause …
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connected and undirected network. Players observe their immediate neighbors’ behavior only, but communicate over time the … repeated game’s history truthfully throughout the network. The Folk Theorem extends to this setup, although for a range of … produces a network result; namely, the level of cooperation in this setup depends on the network’s diameter, and not on its …
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point of a set of intuitive value function equations and study efficiency and the relationship between network structure and … restricted through a network of existing relationships and traders bargain over the division of available gains from trade along …
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This paper considers a communication network characterized by an endogenous architecture and an imperfect transmission … of information as in Bala and Goyal (2000). We propose a similar network's model with the difference that it is … dominant. Differently from other models, where the network represents only a channel to obtain information or to play a game …
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Imperfect private monitoring in an infinitely repeated discounted Prisoner’s Dilemma played on a communication network …’s history throughout the network. The delay in receiving this information requires the players to be more patient to sustain the … same level of cooperation as in a complete network, although a Folk Theorem obtains when the players are patient enough …
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This paper extends the theory of endogenous coalition formation, with complete information and transferable utility, to …
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In this paper we study the effects of institutional constraints on stability, efficiency and network formation. More … setting the part of the current network within each connected component of the cover is assumed to be common knowledge to all … players in that component. Based on this two-ingredient model, network and societal cover, we examine the impact of societal …
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This paper considers a simple communication network characterized by an endogenous architecture and an imperfect … transmission of information. We analyze the process of network formation in a dynamic framework where self – interested individuals … network structures the formation process will converge to. …
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management efficiency per se may not provide enough information concerning long-term performances, which is what sustainability … of long-run sustainable efficiency and tourism performances. Indeed, while the environmental endowment of a site is a key … environmental management. The proposed efficiency assessment procedure is based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DEA is a …
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