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A review of the basic theory of optimal open-source software contributions points to three keyfactors affecting supply: non-pecuniary benefits, future expected monetary returns, and opensourcelicence type...
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In this paper, we investigate how changes in the skill mix of local labor supply are absorbedby the economy. We distinguish between three adjustment mechanisms: through factorprices, through an expansion in the size of those production units that use the moreabundant skill group more...
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This paper analyses the impact of a change in Australia’s immigration policy, introduced inthe mid-1990s, on migrants’ probability of becoming entrepreneurs. The policy changeconsists of stricter entry requirements and restrictions to welfare entitlements. The resultsindicate that those who...
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Theory predicts that mandated employment protections may reduce productivity by distortingproduction choices. Firms facing (non-Coasean) worker dismissal costs will curtail hiringbelow efficient levels and retain unproductive workers, both of which should affectproductivity. These theoretical...
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This paper studies the determinants of naturalization among Turkish and ex-Yugoslavimmigrants in Germany differentiating between actual and planned citizenship. Using theGerman Socio-Economic Panel, we measure the impact that integration and ethnicityindicators exert on the probability to...
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Persistent productivity gains to rural-urban migrants have been documented by a number ofresearchers. One interpretation of this result is that individuals learn higher value skills incities than they would have learned in less dense areas. Another explanation for this result,however, is that...
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This paper employs United States Census data to study the occupational allocation ofimmigrants. The data reveal that the occupational shares of various ethnic groups havegrown drastically in regional labor markets over the period 1980 to 2000. We examine theextent to which this growth can be...
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This paper examines whether family and community migration experience affect theprobability of high school graduation in Mexico once unobserved heterogeneity is accountedfor. Bivariate random effects dynamic probit models for cluster data are estimated to controlfor the endogeneity of education...
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Differences in regional unemployment in post-communist economies are large andpersistent. We show that inherited variation in human-capital endowment across the regionsof four such economies explains the bulk of regional unemployment variation there and weexplore potential explanations for this...
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Using unique register data for Sweden we can match self-employed persons to theiremployees. We analyze the national composition of the employees and ask if self-employedimmigrants mainly employ workers from their home region and if self-employed nativesmainly employ native workers...
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