Showing 1 - 10 of 552
Firms select not only how many, but also which workers to hire. Yet, in standard searchmodels of the labor market, all workers have the same probability of being hired. We arguethat selective hiring crucially affects welfare analysis. Our model is isomorphic to a searchmodel under random hiring...
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It is common knowledge that the standard New Keynesian model is not able to generate a persistent response in output to temporary monetary shocks. We show that this shortcoming can be remedied in a simple and intuitively appealing way through the introduction of labor turnover costs (such as...
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This paper explores the influence of wage and price staggering on monetary persistence. Weshow that, for plausible parameter values, wage and price staggering are complementary ingenerating monetary persistence. We do so by proposing the new measure of "quantitativeinertia," after discussing...
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This paper analyses theoretically and empirically how employment subsidies should betargeted. We contrast measures involving targeting workers with low incomes/abilities andtargeting the unemployed under the criteria of "approximate welfare efficiency" (AWE)...
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Dieser Bericht untersucht die möglichen Beschäftiungseffekte und fiskalischenEffekte des von Peter Bofinger und Ulrich Walwei vorgeschlagenen Konzepts zurFörderung Existenz sichernder Beschäftigung. Die Arbeiten wurden in engerKoordination mit dem Auftraggeber, dem Bundesministerium der...
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Mit der Hartz-Reform wurde die Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland in allen Bereicheneiner grundlegenden Revision unterzogen. Nach vorbereitenden Arbeiten der Hartz-Kommission wurde eine Reihe von „Gesetzen für moderne Dienstleistungen amArbeitsmarkt“ (kurz: Hartz I-IV) verabschiedet, die...
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Based on a German representative sample of employees we explore the relevance anddevelopment of further training in private sector firms. We focus on formal training andexplore possible individual and job-based determinants of its incidence. We also showchanges over time during a 20 year...
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Standard search models are unreliable for structural inference of the underlying sources ofwage inequality because they are inconsistent with observed residual wage dispersion. Weaddress this issue by modeling skill development and duration dependence in unemploymentbenefits in a random on the...
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This paper analyzes data from a novel field experiment designed to test the impact of twodifferent insurance products and a secret saving device on solidarity in risk-sharing groupsamong rural villagers in the Philippines. Risk is simulated by a lottery. Risk-sharing ispossible in solidarity...
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We provide an overview of the growing literature that uses micro-level data from multiplecountries to investigate health outcomes, and their link to socioeconomic factors, at olderages. Since the data are at a comparatively young stage, much of the analysis is at an earlystage and limited to a...
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