Showing 1 - 10 of 552
I document that emerging markets have cast off their “original sin” – their external liabilitiesare no longer dominated by foreign-currency debt and have instead shifted sharply towardsdirect investment and portfolio equity. Their external assets are increasingly concentrated inforeign...
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We document the recent phenomenon of uphill flows of capital from nonindustrial toindustrial countries and analyze whether this pattern of capital flows has hurt growth innonindustrial economies that export capital. Surprisingly, we find that there is a positivecorrelation between current...
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Is the Chinese growth miracle - a remarkably high growth rate sustained for over twodecades - likely to persist or are the seeds of its eventual demise contained in the policiesthat have boosted growth? For all its presumed flaws, the particular approach tomacroeconomic and structural policies...
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Dieser Bericht untersucht die möglichen Beschäftiungseffekte und fiskalischenEffekte des von Peter Bofinger und Ulrich Walwei vorgeschlagenen Konzepts zurFörderung Existenz sichernder Beschäftigung. Die Arbeiten wurden in engerKoordination mit dem Auftraggeber, dem Bundesministerium der...
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Mit der Hartz-Reform wurde die Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland in allen Bereicheneiner grundlegenden Revision unterzogen. Nach vorbereitenden Arbeiten der Hartz-Kommission wurde eine Reihe von „Gesetzen für moderne Dienstleistungen amArbeitsmarkt“ (kurz: Hartz I-IV) verabschiedet, die...
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This paper evaluates the impact of three major expansions in leave coverage in Germany on the long-run education and labor market outcomes of children. Evaluation of three policy reforms as opposed to a single reform enables us to analyze whether the impact of paid leave differs from that of...
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This paper addresses the question of when and to what extent individuals are affected by major positive and negative life events, including changes in financial situation, marital status, death of child or spouse and being a victim of crime. The key advantage of our data is that we are able to...
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This paper investigates the relation between social capital and crime. The analysis contributes to explaining why crime is so heterogeneous across space. By employing current and historical data for Dutch municipalities and by providing novel indicators to measure social capital, we find a link...
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We consider the welfare effects of skilled worker emigration in a context where skilled labor plays a role in product design. We show such emigration can benefit the residents left behind, even when consumers tastes exhibit a form of home bias...
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We estimate the elasticity of enrollment into higher education with respect to the amount of means tested student aid (BAfoeG) provided by the federal government using the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP). Potential student aid is derived on the basis of a detailed tax-benefit microsimulation...
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