Showing 61 - 70 of 75
Many North American college students have trouble satisfying degree requirements in atimely manner. This paper reports on a randomized field experiment involving two strategiesdesigned to improve academic performance among entering full-time undergraduates at alarge Canadian university. One...
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Little is known about the payoffs to apprenticeship training in the German speaking countriesfor the participants. There is a lot of heterogeneity in the types of apprenticeships offered,and there might be an important element of selection in who obtains an apprenticeship, andwhat type. To...
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Using data from 12 European countries and the variation across countries and over time inthe changes of minimum school leaving age, we study the effects of the quantity of educationon the distribution of earnings...
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This paper studies how portable skill accumulated in the labor market are. Using rich data ontasks performed in occupations, we propose the concept of task-specific human capital tomeasure the transferability of skills empirically. Our results on occupational mobility andwages show that labor...
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We compare the returns to education (RTE) for entrepreneurs and employees, based on 19waves of the NLSY database. By using instrumental variable techniques (IV) and takingaccount of selectivity, we find that the RTE are significantly higher for entrepreneurs than foremployees (18.3 percent and...
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In labor markets with worker and firm heterogeneity, the matching between firms and workersmay be assortative, meaning that the most productive workers and firms team up. Weinvestigate this with longitudinal population-wide matched employer-employee data fromPortugal...
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This paper discusses a set of statistics for examining and comparing labor market dynamicsbased on the estimation of continuous time Markov transition processes. It then uses these toestablish stylized facts about dynamic patterns of movement using panel data fromArgentina, Brazil and Mexico...
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We present a general model of child labor that incorporates the various componentspresented in the literature as explanations for its existence. Our proposal is to mitigate thephenomenon by encouraging temporary emigration...
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This paper identifies several distortions which create barriers to entrepreneurship. First, inaddition to the innate entry cost, there are entry costs caused by regulation. Second, unionwage policies raise the opportunity cost of entrepreneurship...<BR>
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Most of the literature on the evaluation of training programs focuses on the effect ofparticipation on a particular outcome (e.g. earnings). The “treatment” is generally representedby a binary variable equal to one if participation in the program occurs, and equal to zero if noparticipation...
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