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In this paper, we investigate how changes in the skill mix of local labor supply are absorbedby the economy. We distinguish between three adjustment mechanisms: through factorprices, through an expansion in the size of those production units that use the moreabundant skill group more...
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females are disadvantaged in the Serbian labor market in terms ofmoving out of the two undesirable states, unemployment and … interms of the levels of unemployment. In terms of earnings, the picture is reversed, withfemales being worse off in terms of … gender earningsgap, from a much lower base). Multinomial logit estimations of employment, unemployment,and inactivity …
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This paper evaluates the impact of three major expansions in leave coverage in Germany on the long-run education and labor market outcomes of children. Evaluation of three policy reforms as opposed to a single reform enables us to analyze whether the impact of paid leave differs from that of...
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In this paper I review the empirical evidence on the effects of incarceration on thesubsequent employment and earnings of less-educated young prisoners...
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This paper examines how the effort choices of workers within the same firm interact witheach other. In contrast to the existing literature, we show that workers can affect theproductivity of their co-workers based on income maximization considerations, rather thanrelying on behavioral...
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During the 1930s and 1940s, collective bargaining emerged as the workplace governancenorm in much of the U.S. industrial sector. Following its peak in the 1950s, union density inthe U.S. private sector fell steadily, to only 7.4 percent in 2006. Governance shifted from aformalized union norm to...
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This paper examines the link between multinational enterprises and employment growth atthe plant-level. We investigate in detail the comparative response of multinationals anddomestic firms to an economic crisis, using the empirical setting of a well defined case ofeconomic slowdown in Chile as...
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With the beginnings of a worldwide burgeoning development of matched firm-employee data,it is worthwhile to examine the possibilities for using these data...
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International comparisons of minimum-wage levels have largely focused on the gross valueof minimum wages, ignoring the effects of taxation on both labour costs and the net incomeof employees. This paper presents estimates of the tax burdens facing minimum-wageworkers. These are used as a basis...
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This paper introduces a novel approach for dealing with the curse of dimensionality in thecase of large linear dynamic systems. Restrictions on the coefficients of an unrestricted VARare proposed that are binding only in a limit as the number of endogenous variables tends toinfinity...
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