Showing 1 - 10 of 83
For the first time it has been made possible to merge a German and a Swiss firm-level data set that include detailed information about costs and benefits of apprenticeship training. Previous analyses based only on aggregate data showed that the net costs of training apprentices are substantial...
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A review of the basic theory of optimal open-source software contributions points to three keyfactors affecting supply: non-pecuniary benefits, future expected monetary returns, and opensourcelicence type...
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We compare the returns to education (RTE) for entrepreneurs and employees, based on 19waves of the NLSY database. By using instrumental variable techniques (IV) and takingaccount of selectivity, we find that the RTE are significantly higher for entrepreneurs than foremployees (18.3 percent and...
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Econometric evaluations of public-sponsored training programmes generally find littleevidence of an impact of such policies on transition rates out of unemployment. We performthe first evaluation of training effects for the unemployed adults in France, exploiting a uniquelongitudinal dataset...
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The law of one wage does not strictly hold, nor should it be expected to hold, in contemporary labor markets. The law of one wage, however, provides a surprisingly good first approximation of the structure of U.S. wages...
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The aim of the current paper is to estimate the need for new PhDs in the Estonian academicsector for the 5-year period 2007-2012 using a survey of employers, such as universities,institutions of applied higher education and research institutes. The doctoral workforce in allcountries around the...
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In this paper, we use 1991-2005 panel data on the unemployed, vacancies, inflow intounemployment, and outflow from unemployment in five former communist economies and inthe western part of Germany (a benchmark western economy) to examine the evolution ofunemployment together with that of inflows...
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This paper considers the impact of education and training on both individual and co-workerpay and establishment performance using the matched employer-employee data in WERS2004, the panel dataset 1998-2004 and the new Financial Performance Questionnaire...<br<
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The aim of this study is to evaluate employees’ productivity in relation to their contract status.This study uses (a) survey data collected among manufacturing sector firms, having morethan 15 employees, in Cameroon between April and May 2006 and (b) information issued bythe National Institute...
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This paper shows that outsourcing of parts of workforce in unionized firms leads to wage moderation both in the case of strategic and flexible outsourcing and as long as the share of the outsourced workforce is not too large, this wage-moderation effect on domestic employment outweighs the...
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