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In this paper, we use 1991-2005 panel data on the unemployed, vacancies, inflow intounemployment, and outflow from unemployment in five former communist economies and inthe western part of Germany (a benchmark western economy) to examine the evolution ofunemployment together with that of inflows...
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The law of one wage does not strictly hold, nor should it be expected to hold, in contemporary labor markets. The law of one wage, however, provides a surprisingly good first approximation of the structure of U.S. wages...
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While results are starting to emerge, not much is known yet about the dynamics of the labormarkets of the former Eastern economies, especially in the context of the current FinancialCrisis. Arguably, this is mainly due to paucity of (panel) data. By examining labor markettransitions, earnings...
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The aim of the current paper is to estimate the need for new PhDs in the Estonian academicsector for the 5-year period 2007-2012 using a survey of employers, such as universities,institutions of applied higher education and research institutes. The doctoral workforce in allcountries around the...
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This paper considers the impact of education and training on both individual and co-workerpay and establishment performance using the matched employer-employee data in WERS2004, the panel dataset 1998-2004 and the new Financial Performance Questionnaire...<br<
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We study the impact of tax and minimum wage reforms on the incidence of informality. Togauge the incidence of informality, we use measures of the extent of tax evasion, the extentof minimum wage non-compliance, and the size of the informal workforce. Our approachallows us to examine (i) the...
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We consider the welfare effects of skilled worker emigration in a context where skilled labor plays a role in product design. We show such emigration can benefit the residents left behind, even when consumers tastes exhibit a form of home bias...
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This paper analyzes the cyclical properties of worker flows in Brazil and Mexico, two important developing countries with large unregulated or "informal" sectors. It generates three stylized facts that are critical to the accurate modeling of the sector and which suggest the need to rethink the...
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High levels of employment protection reduce hiring and firing and have a theoretically ambiguous effect on the employment level. Immigrants, being new to the labor market, may be less aware of employment protection regulations and less likely to claim their rights, which may create a gap between...
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According to recent and largely untested theories, unemployment benefits (UBs) could improve the extent and quality of job reallocation even at the cost of increasing unemployment. Using yearly panel data from a large number of countries, we evaluate empirically the relationship between...
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