Showing 1 - 10 of 11
While the allocative efficiency of mobility is typically considered to be positive but small in the long run, the induced changes in equality may be considerable in size. In practice, however, migrants typically improve their income position in comparison to those at home, stimulate the economic...
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This paper studies the determinants of naturalization among Turkish and ex-Yugoslavimmigrants in Germany differentiating between actual and planned citizenship. Using theGerman Socio-Economic Panel, we measure the impact that integration and ethnicityindicators exert on the probability to...
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Are ethnic specialization and thus a downward sloping labor demand curve fundamentalfeatures of labor market competition between ethnic groups? In a general equilibrium model,this paper argues that spillover effects in skill acquisition and social distances between ethnicgroups engender...
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The labor market outcomes of ethnic minorities in advanced societies and their dependenceon social relationships and membership in social networks are important empirical issueswith significant policy consequences...
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This paper examines resident foreigners´ interest in German citizenship. The study focuseson the roles played by attitudes towards foreigners, political interest of foreigners,intergenerational conflict between natives and foreigners and among foreigners themselves,and regional differences in...
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The mild response of the German labor market to the worst global recession in post-warhistory appears as an economic miracle. In response to the crisis, Germany has shown to bea strong case of internal flexibility. We argue that important factors that have contributed tothis development include...
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The request for a strengthening of academic research at the German economic researchinstitutes by the German Science Council more than a decade ago was founded on thecrucial insight that sound policy advice - the traditional task of the institutes - can only beguaranteed in the long term if it...
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The paper advocates for a new measure of the ethnic identity of migrants, models itsdeterminants and explores its explanatory power for various types of their economicperformance...
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With globalization, the size of migration and the value of ethnicity is rising. Also Cyprusundergoes a strong process of change while experiencing large inflows of migration. Thepaper investigates the challenges and the potentials of migration from a European Unionperspective...
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Die deutsche Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist im Zuge der Hartz-Reformen grundsätzlich neustrukturiert und systematisch evaluiert worden. Die vorliegenden Evaluationsberichte derersten drei Hartz-Gesetze belegen nun vielfach, welche Instrumente der aktivenArbeitsmarktpolitik sich durch ihre Wirksamkeit...
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