Showing 1 - 9 of 9
(VF)Cet article se propose de vérifier, du point de vue de la théorie positive de l’agence, si la décision des entreprises de recourir à une augmentation de capital réservée aux salariés est influencée par la prise en compte par les dirigeants des intérêts des actionnaires et de la...
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This paper investigates the financial characteristics and changes in performance of French companies involved in a leveraged buy-out. The empirical study covers a sample of 161 MBOs in France from 1988 to 1994. The acquired firms outperform their counterparts in the same sector of activity...
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Cet article porte sur l'influence de la structure de propriété sur la sous-performance des firmes de la bourse de Paris. Selon la théorie de l'agence deux composantes de la structure de propriété, la concentration du capital et la nature des actionnaires peuvent influencer la performance....
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This article deals with interlocking directorates and the increasing attention this topic has been attracting in recent years. Financial theory tends to regard the subject of directorship interlocks generally negative, even if theoretical argumentation also allows speaking favoura-bly of the...
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Our area of interest is the relationship between Private Equity professionals and the CEOs of companies. Building on previous research on board-CEO relationship and on venture capital and management buyout governance, we aim at complementing the frequently used agency theory perspective by way...
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(VF)L'objectif de l'article est de tester sur une période récente si les changements de dirigeants suite à une mauvaise performance en France ont permis aux firmes un retour à de meilleurs résultats. L'étude empirique, menée sur un échantillon de 160 sociétés cotées à Paris ayant...
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Following the appearance of the recent scandals, the question of the efficiency of the corporate governance mechanisms to appease the financial crisis can be raised. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the board of directors effectiveness on the firm's ability to resist the Asian...
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This paper examines the interrelations among five ownership and board characteristics in a sample of 260 bank and savings-and-loan holding companies. These governance characteristics, designed to reduce agency problems between shareholders and managers, are insider ownership, blockholder...
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Our area of interest is the relationship between Private Equity professionals and the CEOs of companies. Building on previous research on board-CEO relationship and on venture capital and management buyout governance, we aim at complementing the frequently used agency theory perspective by way...
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