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We investigate the impact of various audit schemes on the future provision of public goods, when contributing less than the average of the group is sanctioned exogenously and the probability of an audit is unknown. We study how individuals update their beliefs about the probability of being...
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First, we present what is called the Theory of Psychological Preferences (altruism, rational reciprocity...) through … collective impact of altruism, social loyalty, intrinsic reciprocity and so forth . …
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First, we present what is called the Theory of Psychological Preferences (altruism, rational reciprocity...) through … collective impact of altruism, social loyalty, intrinsic reciprocity and so forth . …
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We provide the first theoretical analysis of altruism in networks. Agents are embedded in a fixed, weighted network and …
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This paper presents an overlapping generations model with altruistic consumers, in which pension funds, by holding a signi...cant share of capital assets, produce non competitive behavior. We study the consequences of such behavior on capital accumulation and welfare in the long run when...
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We analyze the relationship between imperfect competition and capital accumulation in a dual economy, with traditional and modern sectors and two types of agents (workers and capitalists). Workers allocate their time endowment between the two sectors. Capitalistsaccumulate wealth in the modern...
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We analyze the relationship between imperfect competition and capital accumulation in a dual economy, with traditional and modern sectors and two types of agents (workers and capitalists). Workers allocate their time endowment between the two sectors. Capitalists accumulate wealth in the modern...
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