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We study the impact of information manipulation by a principal on the agent's effort. In a context of asymmetric information at the principal's advantage, we test experimentally the principal's willingness to bias (overestimate or under-estimate) the information she gives to her agent on his...
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We investigate the impact of various audit schemes on the future provision of public goods, when contributing less than the average of the group is sanctioned exogenously and the probability of an audit is unknown. We study how individuals update their beliefs about the probability of being...
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La valorizzazione e sviluppo del capitale sociale, inteso come catalizzatore e patrimonio di asset intangibili per l'impresa, ha rappresentato uno dei più efficaci rimedi anti-crisi per le imprese di tutto il mondo che hanno dimostrato di saper far fronte a momenti di seria difficoltà. Sebbene...
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diffèrent des dimensions de la motivation. De plus, les entretiens suggèrent une distinction entre freins relatifs aux produits …
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instrument influences the motivation in a negative way. Assigning the types of people joining the open source community on Frey … / Osterloh's motivation types makes an examination of the effects of the instruments possible and shows that only intrinsic …
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Le poids croissant du secteur non orienté vers le profit dans l'activité économique n'est pas le signe d'une transformation en profondeur du capitalisme mais d'un renforcement de ce dernier. En instituant une économie à 2 vitesses en termes de rémunération du facteur de production travail...
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real-task laboratory experiment, our results show that principals are not trustful enough to refrain from monitoring the … intrinsic motivation is crowded out when monitoring is above a certain threshold. We identify that both interpersonal principal …
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'implication comme une composante de la motivation. Pour rendre effectives les opportunités ainsi offertes, il est important que les … multi-dimensionnelle. La première composante est relative au déclenchement de la motivation, et traduit les formes …. , 1993 ; Blau, 2003. La deuxième composante appréhende la direction de la motivation à travers la planification dans le …
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'efficience économique pour l'entreprise. Par conséquent, nous pouvons nous demander quelles sont les techniques de motivation adoptées par … les entreprises et si la motivation des salariés représente un véritable levier de performance pour les entreprises. …
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Agency theory assumes that tighter monitoring by the principal should motivate agents to increase their effort, whereas the "crowding-out" literature suggests that the opposite may occur. These two assertions are not necessarily contradictory provided that the nature of the employment...
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