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Much of the existing literature on the relationship between nuclear energy consumption and gross domestic product (GDP) deals only with the causal links between these two variables. However, very little attention has been paid to the structure and form of this relationship. This paper first uses...
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We assess the sustainability of public finances in the EU15 using stationarity and cointegration analysis. Specifically, we use panel unit root tests of the first and second generation allowing in some cases for structural breaks. We also apply modern panel cointegration techniques developed by...
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We use a 3-step analysis to assess the sustainability of public finances in the EU27. Firstly, we perform the SURADF specific panel unit root test to investigate the meanreverting behaviour of general government expenditures and revenues ratios. Secondly, we apply the bootstrap panel...
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The model presented in this paper has two objectives. First, it models global imbalances in a simple way while conserving real and financial approaches. This double approach is necessary because Global Imbalances are due to the conjunction of financial and real phenomena: the increase in the...
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the economic consequences on the countries that on one hand protect themselves from future financial crises by accumulating international reserves (IR) while on the other hand expose themselves to severe financial crisis due to their excessive internal and/or...
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This paper investigates both the dynamic and steady-state effects of unanticipated permanent and temporary terms of trade shocks within a two-good small open economy with habit formation and capital adjustment costs. A permanent terms of trade worsening induces a deficit-surplus current account...
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We use a two-sector neoclassical open economy model with traded and non-traded goods to investigate both the aggregate and the sectoral effects of temporary fiscal shocks. One central finding is that both sectoral capital intensities and labor supply elasticity matter in determining the response...
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The relationship between the current account and the macroeconomic development remains an important issue in an open economy. Recently, global current account imbalances, and more specifically the large deficit in the United States and the surplus in China and other Asian economies, continue to...
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This paper studies the impact of the main external shocks which the eurozone and member states have undergone since the start of the 2000s. Such shocks have been monetary (drop in global interest rates), financial (two stock market crises) and real (rising oil prices and an accumulation of...
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We use a two-sector neoclassical open economy model with traded and non-traded goods to investigate both the aggregate and the sectoral e®ects of temporary ¯scal shocks. One central ¯nding is that both sectoral capital intensities and labor supply elasticity matter in determining the response...
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