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This paper investigates the importance of ethnic homophily in the hiring discrimination process, and provides a novel test for statistical discrimination. Our evidence comes from a correspondence test performed in France, in which we use three different kinds of ethnic identification: French...
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This paper focuses on the interaction between gender discrimination and household decisions. It develops a model with … services are assumed to reduce the time that parents spend on their children. The model shows that gender discrimination may … gender discrimination if the quality of childcare services is sufficiently high. In the decreasing part of this U …
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gender discrimination in origin countries can be a push factor for women and therefore that a reduction in discrimination can … reduce the flow of female migrants. The other theory is that gender discrimination may create a " gender bias " in the … discrimination leads to an increase of skilled women migration. The paper also provides an original index of gender discrimination …
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In this paper, we propose a job assignment model allowing for a gender difference in access to jobs. Males and females …-paid jobs can be detected and quantiffed. We estimate the gender relative probability of getting any given job position for full …
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Despite decades of gender-balanced recruitment and clear-cut criteria for promotion based on meritocracy, women in …
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the observed patterns in the team-entry gender gap: (1) a gender gap in confidence in others (i.e. women are less …
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offers in computing in order to measure gender and origin discrimination. We found that - out of 28 possible comparisons …
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female investment in career, and look into the possible effect on the gender division of labor, particularly the male share …
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In this article, we examine the structure of gender and ethnic wage gaps, and the distribution of both, paid and unpaid … Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. The determinants of hours allocated to paid and unpaid work activities between gender groups …
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period, the MFI does not co-finance projects with mainstream banks and loan size is gender-insensitive. In the second period …, the MFI does co-finance above-ceiling projects with mainstream banks, and we observe a gender gap in loan size. The … results suggest that co-financing leads the originally gender-neutral MFI to import disparate treatment from mainstream banks. …
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