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continuous spatial heterogeneity: the spatial regimes model and the locally linear, geographically weighted regression (GWR). We …
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This study aims at investigating the spatial dimension of the FDI. Considering the distribution of FDI between the provinces, our purpose is the spatial dependency that may be observed. Using data for 1992-2002, we find that taking into account the regional specification induces significant FDI...
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This paper studies large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification (MESS). We find that the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) for the MESS is consistent under heteroskedasticity, a property not shared by the QMLE of the SAR model. For the general model that has...
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This paper studies large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification (MESS). We find that the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) for the MESS is consistent under heteroskedasticity, a property not shared by the QMLE of the SAR model. For the general model that has...
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This article is a comment on Margaret Slade (2005).
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We estimate the informal-formal sector pay gap throughout the conditional wage distribution using panel data from Brazil, Mexico and South Africa. We control for time-invariant unobservables and identification is stemming from inter-sector movers. We control for observables in a non-linear way...
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In this study, we examine the effect of structural economic vulnerability of developing countries on their public indebtedness. We perform our econometric analysis by relying on 96 developing countries over the period 1980-2008. The results suggest evidence of a "U-shaped" relationship between...
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different factors of heterogeneity between PSFs, there is still a lack of an integrated and actionable framework which would … help analyzing PSFs changes, heterogeneity and distinctiveness over services, time and space. We propose a foundation …
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This paper studies the switching of trading strategies and its effect on the market volatility in a continuous double auction market. We describe the behavior when some uninformed agents, who we call switchers, decide whether or not to pay for information before they trade. By paying for the...
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In the Sudano-Sahelian region, which includes South Niger, the inter-annual variability of the rainy season is high and irrigation is scarce. As a consequence, bad rainy seasons have a massive impact on crop yield and regularly entail food crises. Traditional insurances based on crop damage...
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