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Certain areas related to the topics under discussion here lie outside my field; for instance the evaluation of risk assessment and security deficiencies in the transport sector. What has convinced me of the importance of this subject are a few very general conclusions, indeed I would say,...
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anchovy-hake couple in the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. We find that accounting for uncertainty significantly reduces the …
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Stochastic dominance has typically been used with a special emphasis on risk and inequality reduction something captured by the concavity of the utility function in the expected utility model. We claim that the applicability of the stochastic dominance approach goes far beyond risk and...
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aspects, stakeholder's preferences and long time horizon uncertainty. Relying on the MAMCA methodology developed by Macharis … worst one depending on its performance uncertainty in the long run. The range based MAMCA provides a wide range of possible …
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issues of age structure stabilization and convergence, by considering a population whose fertility and mortality are …
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are in the usual range of existing literature, i.e. less than 2% GDP losses in 2030 for a stabilisation target at 550ppm … that depends on technology, innovation, investment and behavioural change. The results support the view that mitigation is …
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Morris method of sensitivity analysis, which allows for the exploration of uncertainty over the whole input space. We find …
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Measuring the risk of a financial portfolio involves two steps: estimating the loss distribution of the portfolio from available observations and computing a ``risk measure" which summarizes the risk of the portfolio. We define the notion of ``risk measurement procedure", which includes both of...
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than 2% GDP losses in 2030 for a stabilisation target at 450ppm CO2 equivalent. But when labour markets rigidities are … markets. That vision complements the usual view that mitigation is a long-term matter that depends on technology, innovation …
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Domestic Product (GDP) modelling in order to improve the forecasting accuracy. Our approach is based on multivariate k … compute the quarter GDP on the Euro-zone, comparing our approach, with GDP obtained when we estimate the monthly indicators …
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