Showing 1 - 10 of 44
Household models estimated on labour supplies alone generally assume non-market time to be pure leisure. Previous work on collective household decision-making is extended here by taking domestic work into account in the Chiappori et al.'s (2002) model. Derivatives of the household "sharing rule"...
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Household models estimated on labour supplies alone generally assume non-market time to be pure leisure. Previous work on collective household decision-making is extended here by taking domestic work into account in the Chiappori et al.'s (2002) model. Derivatives of the household "sharing rule"...
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Despite the increasing prevalence of dual-earner couples, women still perform the bulk of domestic and parental tasks within the household. In this paper, we investigate the role of the parental model in the persistence of this gender inequality. We study the possible correlation between the...
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This paper investigates the effect of self-assessed health on retirement plans of older migrants. As immigration is primarily associated with labor considerations, the role of economic incentives in the migration decision suggests that health could play a minor effect in immigrants' decision to...
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L'objectif de ce papier est de vérifier s'il existe une relation entre l'intégration des SI en interne et en externe. L'analyse se base sur la littérature liant intégration interne et externe et notamment sur le schéma proposé par Venkatraman présentant les phases d'évolution de...
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The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the probability that shipping companies outsource the management of vessels to ship management companies, a decision with many implications for the logistics chain. Data on 39,925 vessels are used to investigate to the...
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Shipping companies frequently outsource the management of their vessels. In this paper, we use data from Lloyd's Register Fairplay (2009) on 45,456 vessels belonging to 9,580 different shipowners to investigate the extent of outsourcing in shipping and to identify key factors affecting the...
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The firm's management in production is a critical, but unobserved input. Within a panel data framework, the firm's management and firm effects have to date been conflated. Exploiting variability in the managerial dimension, this paper identifies the firm's management from firm and time effects...
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La réalisation en 2002 et 2010 de deux enquêtes assez proches, la première conduite par l'Insee, la seconde par l'institut BVA pour le compte de la Drees, offre l'opportunité d'étudier la participation associative et sa dynamique en ce début de XXIe siècle. A la lumière des données...
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In this paper, we study the smoking behavior of students aged from 18 to 25 using four cross-section data sets collected in France from 1997 to 2006. We focus on the role played by student income and parental resources. We find that both the probability of smoking and the number of cigarettes...
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