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In this paper we investigate the relationship between inequality and the environment in a growing economy from a … political economy perspective. We consider an endogenous growth economy, where growth generates pollution and a deterioration of … the environment. Public expenditures may either be devoted to supporting growth or abating pollution. The decision over …
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This paper examines the influence of political ideology on economic growth in the French democracy since 1871. It does … robustness of the relationship between ideology and growth and the specific channels through which political ideology affects … promoted equity at the expense of economic growth. It also appears that the main channel through which political ideology has …
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between skilled labor and unskilled labor wages. The question we ask is how the growth process shapes the wage inequality and … version of the model. In this version of the model the relationship between inequality and the rate of growth is also … inequality. First, we prove the existence of equilibrium paths. Then we show that there exists a continuum of steady …
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these investments, output levels and growth. In this context, inequality plays a key role both as a determinant of the …The empirical evidence on the determinants of growth across countries has found that growth is lower when natural … which these three variables can impact growth, but has tended to address them separately. In this paper we argue that …
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's economy and income inequality during transition from a command to market economic system. Using data from a series of … transition, an increase in income inequality is interpreted by population as a positive signal of increased opportunities; this …, increased inequality becomes an important reason for dissatisfaction of the public with the country's economic situation and …
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Since the 1990s, poverty and the ways to reducing it have become a central paradigm in development economics, not only …). Indeed, after WWII, thinking on development was focused on growth. A major shift occurred in the late 1990s, which has … consisted in the replacement of 'growth' or 'development' as a goal of policymakers and international institutions and a central …
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of growth, due to poverty traps, often examined at the microeconomic level. Testing a model of poverty change on a panel …Macroeconomic instability has been increasingly considered as a factor lowering average income growth and by this way … is a factor slowing down poverty reduction. But it can also result in slower poverty reduction for a given average rate …
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large as Nedroma. At the same time, they help reduce poverty by nearly 13 percentage points. Remittances have a strong …
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, circular and retroactive relationships with globalization, growth and poverty. The objective of this paper is to establish a … poverty. In this aim, the first section of paper presents critical evaluation of equity vs. equality debate, specifically … significance of institutions, principally government and IFIs, in these processes in order to spur growth, equality and wellbeing …
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poverty and inequality in rural areas. While the poverty impacts of those programs are well documented in the literature less …High levels of inequality are a persistent feature of many rural areas in the developing world. Rural inequality is …'), while excluding the upper tail (i.e. ‘the rich') from the program, must lead to a reduction in inequality. In this paper we …
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