Showing 1 - 10 of 103
results in lower performance and heightened probability of accidents. …
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We provide exact relations giving the probability of individual and coalitional manipulation of three specific social … of voters is greater than a certain threshold value. In addition, the probability of individual and coalitional …
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In this paper, we examine the relative importance of external shocks in domestic fluctuations of East Asian countries and check if these shocks lead to asymmetric or symmetric reactions between the considered economies. To this end, we estimate, over the period 1990.1-2010.4, a structural VAR...
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In this paper, we compare, first, the impact of a windfall and a boom sectors on the economy of an oil exporting country and their welfare implications ; in a second step, we analyze how monetary policy should be conducted to insulate the economy from the main impact of these shocks, namely the...
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This article analyses the impact of oil price on bond risk premiums issued by emerging economies. No empirical study has yet focussed on the effects of the oil price on government bond risk premiums. We develop a model of credit spread with data from the EMBIG index of seventeen countries, from...
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This article analyses the impact of oil price on bond risk premiums issued by emerging economies. No empirical study has yet focussed on the effects of the oil price on government bond risk premiums. We develop a model of credit spread with data from the EMBIG index of seventeen countries, from...
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The aim of this paper is to study the degree of interdependence between oil price and stock market index into two groups of countries: oil-importer countries (US, Italy, Germany, Netherland and France) and exporter ones (Emirate Arab Units, Kuwait Saudi Arabia and Venezuela). The dataset...
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This paper examines the short-run relationships between oil prices and GCC stock markets. Since GCC countries are major world energy market players, their stock markets may be susceptible to oil price shocks. To account for the fact that stock markets may respond nonlinearly to oil price shocks,...
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The aim of this paper is to test whether a stable long-term relationship exists between oil prices and the US effective exchange rate, expressed in real terms. To this end, weproceed to a cointegration and causality study between the two variables. Our results indicate that causality runs from...
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We propose a new approach for modeling non-linear multivariate interest rate processes based on time-varying copulas and reducible stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In the modeling of the marginal processes, we consider a class of non-linear SDEs that are reducible to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck...
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