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Given a capacity, the set of dominating k-additive capacities is a convex polytope called the k-additive monotone core …
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$-additive capacities range from probability measures ($k=1$) to general capacities ($k=n$). The axiomatization is done in several steps …, starting from symmetric 2-additive capacities, a case related to the Gini index, and finishing with general $k …$-additive capacities. We put an emphasis on 2-additive capacities. Our axiomatization is done in the framework of social welfare, and …
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We are interested in modeling interaction between criteria in Multi-Criteria Decision Making when underlying scales are bipolar. Interacting phenomena involving behavioral bias between attractive and repulsive values are in particular considered here. We show in an example that both the Choquet...
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This note completes the main result of [Zimper A., (2010) Re-examining the law of iterated expectations for Choquet decision makers. Theory and decision, DOI 10.1007/s11238-010-9221-8], by showing that additional conditions are needed in order the law of iterated expectations to hold true for...
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We give an axiomatic foundation to the updating rule proposed by [Sarin, R. and Wakker, P. P. (1998). Revealed likelihood and knightian uncertainty. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16(3):223-250.] for CEU preferences. This rule is dynamically consistent but non-consequentialist, since forgone...
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any game is either balanced or 2-balanced. Finally, we treat the special case of capacities. …
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either balanced or 2-balanced. Finally, we treat the special case of capacities. …
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