Showing 1 - 10 of 81
a marriage match, for instance, may depend both on the incomes and on the educations of the partners, as well as on … characteristics that the analyst does not observe. The social optimum must therefore trade off matching on incomes and matching on … set of feasible matchings and of the socially optimal matching. Then we show how data on the covariation of the types of …
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In a homogeneous product duopoly with concave revenue and convex costs we study a two stage game in which, first, firms engage simultaneously in capacity (production) and, after production levels are made public, there is sequential price competition in the second stage. Randomizing the order of...
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The aim of this paper is to generalize the endogenous timing game proposed by Hamilton and Slutsky (1990) to cases where the reaction functions are non-motononic, as for instance in the literature on contest. Following the taxonomy of social dilemma provided by Eaton (2004) we consider several...
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characterize impossible matches, i.e., of pairs student school that cannot be matched at any stable matching, for any preference … profile. Our approach consists of linking Hall's marriage condition to stable matchings. Our results offer a new methodology … to assess to what extent the preferences on one side of a matching market can preset the stable matchings that can emerge …
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The existing literature on Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) focuses on individual characteristics and organizational context but fails to convincingly address the issue of process dynamics in terms of effective and ineffective CKO moves and strategies. In order to address this gap we review...
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of Simulation & Gaming, some key features related to the implementation of gaming in such a context are introduced …
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The existing literature on Chief Knowledge Officers (CKOs) focuses on individual characteristics and organizational context but fails to convincingly address the issue of process dynamics in terms of effective and ineffective CKO moves and strategies. In order to address this gap we review...
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In a dynamic general equilibrium model with endogenous markups and labor market frictions, we investigate the effects of increased product market competition. Unlike most macroeconomic models of search, we endogenize the labor supply along the extensive margin. We show that beneficial effects in...
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This paper presents the results of an econometric analysis of the conditional probability of leaving unemployment for four waves of French married men and women entering unemployment from 1991 to 2002. The effect of spouse's hourly earnings on unemployment duration is found to be asymmetric for...
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This paper presents the results of an econometric analysis of the conditional probability of leaving unemployment for four waves of French married men and women entering unemployment from 1991 to 2002. The effect of spouse's hourly earnings on unemployment duration is found to be asymmetric for...
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