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country (China) over the period 1997-2009. We confirm Hausmann, Hwang and Rodrik (2007)'s prediction that regions that … contributors to the global upgrading of China's exports. This finding suggests that the contribution of assembly trade and foreign …
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This paper studies the convergence, and the role of internal real exchange rate on economic growth in the Chinese provincial level. Using informal growth equation à la Barro [1991] and dynamic panel data estimation, we find conditional convergence among the coastal provinces and among inland...
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This study reviews port cargo flow structure on hinterland/foreland (i.e. shippers' port use propensity) in Japan to … examine port policy. Port service areas are analysed by conducting fuzzy clustering for 47 prefectures in Japan. Container …
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, indicates a strengthening credibility of the Bank of Japan and thus the effectiveness of its policy. …
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This paper studies the formation of marriage relationships between two households in 19th century, Tama, Japan … and within village) among peasants in the mid 19th century Tama, Japan. …
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comparative analysis on two steel plants, localised in France and in Japan. We will examine changes that have occurred in labour … and industrial relations and human resource development in two steel industry plants after the 1980s, in Japan and in … in Japan . It has been led both by Japanese and French researchers which used statistical databases on Japanese and …
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countries : France, an industrialized country where the disparities between sexes are outstandingly small, and Japan, where they … are particularly large. It is also proposed to explore the reasons why the male/female wage gap is so large in Japan in … markets in Japan and France. When it comes to the gender wage gaps, it is necessary to take the general structure of wages and …
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Japanese monetary policy during the "lost" decade and quantify the effect of quantitative easing on Japan's activity and prices …
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The objective of this paper is to illustrate that the change in shareholders' attitude towards firms (from stakeholder model to shareholder model) influences the accounting treatments of goodwill. Our study is based on four countries (Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and France) and...
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Is the big push hypothesis consistent with capacity constraints in the study of aid effectiveness? Big push hypothesis suggests the existence of a minimum threshold below which aid is not effective, while the constraints referred to by the concept of absorptive capacity suggests the existence of...
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