Showing 1 - 10 of 71
nominal variables. Money is not neutral, either in the short-run or long-run, and a localized version of the quantity theory … towards Pareto optimal rest-points. Below this growth rate, the economy enters a (sub-optimal) liquidity trap where monetary … policy is ineffective ; above this threshold inflation rises. Finally, market liquidity, measured through the speed of real …
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Après avoir mis en évidence les problèmes de gouvernance posés par la " nouvelle firme ", désintégrée verticalement et intensive en capital humain, nous avançons que la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) peut servir à réguler les rapports de force entre les partenaires...
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the frequently used agency theory perspective by way of a social and behavioural perspective. Whereas agency theorists …
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The aim of this paper is to propose an instrumental analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR). After underlining the corporate governance issues raised by the "new firm", which is vertically disintegrated and intensive in specific human capital, we argue that CSR can be useful as a means...
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We reveal the non-separation of ownership and control for multiple blockholders in the French insider governance system. We show that overlapping directorships of large listed corporations are explained by their ownership connections. Both large and small stakes, from 20% to 1% of cash-flow...
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implications of this adoption. We examine theoretical questions related to conventional models (agency theory, transaction cost … economics, new property rights theory),which tend to suggest rational adoption of best practice, and contributions that …
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This article analyzes the linkages between financial liberalization, labor market institutions and wage inequality for 17 OECD countries over the 1989 to 2005 period. With the help of a fixed effect model with an interacted term, one crucial contribution of this article is to analyze the...
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Applying regressions on a sample of 18 OECD countries from 1970 to 2009 using new indicators, we find that right-wing governments liberalize more the financial sector that left-wing governments. We show that if a left-wing government accepts to liberalize the financial sector, an increase of...
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determining ownership structures and corporate governance mechanisms. We take the Upper-Echelons Theory as our central premise …
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Debt may help to manage type II corporate agency conflicts because it is easier for controlling shareholders to modify the leverage ratio than to modify their share of capital. A sample of 112 firms listed on the French stock market over the period 1998-2009 is empirically tested. It supports an...
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