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this paper on innovation in genomics and biomedical related biotechnologies is to study the relative impact of the … biotech have changed during the last ten years from a support of research in large firms to a support of SME's creation in …
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Using a database of more than 1,300 firms from six countries in the MENA region, we study the impact of financial development on the relationship between trade credit on the one hand and bank credit access and firm-level characteristics, especially financial health, on the other hand. Trade...
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Exploiting data on product-destination level transactions of a large panel of Italian firms, we provide new evidence on the effect of financial constraints on price variation across exporters. Controlling for firm characteristics and endogeneity, constrained exporters charge higher prices than...
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Using a database of more than 1,100 firms in the MENA region, this article looks at the determinants of demand for trade credit, particularly access to bank credit, size, age and the quality of the firm's financial structure. We show that the difficulty of gaining acces to bank credit positively...
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Complicated neoclassical models predict that if investment is sensitive to current financial performance, this is a sign that something is "wrong" and is to be regarded as a problem for policy. Evolutionary theory, on the other hand, refers to the principle of "growth of the fitter" to explain...
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This paper surveys issues with respect to the structural modelling of econometric tests of investment facing financial constraints, to their link with firms data and asset prices, and to their consequences for macroeconomic modelling. The key issue is to provide conditions which support the...
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In the aftermath of the recent bank-centered financial crisis it is still unclear how much of the decline in non-financial firms' stock prices was due to liquidity shortage, and how much of this decline was due to lower expected consumer demand. The stock returns are examined over nine periods...
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This paper focuses on the effects of financial factors on manufacturing firms' export participation. Using a simple dynamic discrete choice model, we first present the intuition according to which financial constraints reduce the probability of exporting. Then, based on a panel of Egyptian...
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Financial constraints affecting new firms are some of the factors most cited forimpeding entrepreneurial dynamics from flourishing. This article introduces the problem ofregional patterns of financial constraints. The research is conducted with regard to the Frenchregions and the new French...
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Using a large cross-country, firm level database containing 5,000 firms in 9 developing and emerging economies, we study how financial factors affect both firms' export decisions and the amount exported by firm. First, our results stress an important impact of firms' access to finance on their...
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