Showing 1 - 10 of 59
We propose a multivariate extension of a well-known characterization by S. Kusuoka of regular and coherent risk measures as maximal correlation functionals. This involves an extension of the notion of comonotonicity to random vectors through generalized quantile functions. Moreover, we propose...
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In this paper, we consider a financial market with assets exposed to some risks inducing jumps in the asset prices, and which can still be traded after default times. We use a default-intensity modeling approach, and address in this incomplete market context the problem of maximization of...
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Socially responsible firms are expected by European regulators to create shared value for their shareholders, their stakeholders and society. Yet how to generate profits while providing public good is still academically debated. This paper argues that corporate social responsibility encompasses...
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We study a class of robust, or worst case scenario, optimal control problems for jump diffusions. The scenario is represented by a probability measure equivalent to the initial probability law. We show that if there exists a control that annihilates the noise coefficients in the state equation...
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We consider some robust optimal portfolio problems for markets modeled by (possibly non-Markovian) jump diffusions. Mathematically the situation can be described as a stochastic differential game, where one of the players (the agent) is trying to find the portfolio which maximizes the utility of...
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In this paper, we apply two optimization methods to solve an optimal control problem of a linear neutral differential equation (NDE) arising in economics. The first one is a variational method, the second follows a dynamic programming approach. Due to the infinite dimensionality of the NDE, the...
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This paper studies groundwater management in the presence of rainwater harvesting (RWH). We propose a two-state model that takes into account the standard dynamics of the aquifer and the dynamics of the storage capacity and we assume that the collection of rainwater reduces the natural recharge....
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We study the optimal dynamics of an AK economy where population is uniformly distributed along the unit circle. Locations only differ in initial capital endowments. Spatio-temporal capital dynamics are described by a parabolic partial differential equation. The application of the maximum...
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We review an emerging application field to parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), that's economic growth theory. After a short presentation of concrete applications, we highlight the peculiarities of optimal control problems of parabolic PDEs with infinite time horizons. In particular,...
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We prove that the introduction of endogenous indivisible labor supply into the vintage capital growth model does not rule out the turnpike and optimal permanent regime properties, notably the non- monotonicity properties of optimal paths, inherent in this model.
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