Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Using entropy indices and associated bootstrap tests, we describe the distribution of economic sectors across Western European regions over the 1975-2000 period. We decompose geographic concentration into its within-country and between-country components. In addition, we estimate...
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The global welfare implications of home market effects in trade models with imperfect competition are little understood. This paper proposes a simple model in which such implications can be easily analyzed. It shows an overall tendency of imperfectly competitive sectors to inefficiently cluster...
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Border regions and border effects currently attract a lot of attention in political practice and economic research. Substantial interest in regions located along the frontiers of integrating countries is predominantly inspired by the presumption that their specific geographic position might...
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The findings of recent studies on adjustment processes suggest that regional labour markets in the EU and the US differ significantly. Low wage flexibility and limited labour mobility in European countries involve persistent unemployment differentials across regions. However, the spatial...
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Im Zuge der europäischen Integration haben die nationalen Regierungen Kompetenzen an europäische Institutionen abgegeben. Die Folge ist, daß die ökonomische Entwicklung in der EU mehr und mehr von wirtschaftsräumlichen Faktoren anstatt von administrativen nationalen Unterschieden bestimmt...
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This paper analyses in the framework of a 2-region economic geography model the impact of transfers on agglomeration of … agglomeration than subsidies to consumers (social policy). Second, if a less developed region starts its catch up process first … increasing and afterwards decreasing transfers are necessary to avoid agglomeration. Due to these results east Germany?s slowdown …
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Im Zuge der Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union eröffnen sich für die Beitrittskandidatenländer gute Möglichkeiten, wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten aus Westeuropa und anderswo zu attrahieren und im Pro-Kopf-Einkommen aufzuholen. Der Aufholprozess der Beitrittsländer wird jedoch von...
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We study the impact of changing relative market access in an enlarged EU on the economies of incumbent Objective 1 regions. First, we track the impact of external opening on internal spatial configurations in a three-region economic geography model. External opening gives rise to potentially...
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This paper provides a new attempt to examine the relationship between an economy?s exposure to foreign trade and its degree of urban concentration. In contrast to previous work, which is often based on rich cross-country data sets, the analysis is focused exclusively on European countries,...
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Erklärung von Agglomeration, die Weiterentwicklung seiner grundlegenden Ideen und die Untersuchung, in welcher Weise sich diese …
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