Showing 1 - 10 of 119
I denne artikkelen drøfter forfatterne bruk av nyere metoder innen økonomisk evaluering som samfunnet kan bruke for å prioritere mellom ulike behandlinger der både effektene og kostnadene er usikre. Tradisjonelt har man brukt p-verdier når man skal vurdere om én behandling er bedre enn en...
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In health economics, cost-effectiveness is defined as maximized health benefits for a given health budget. When there is a private alternative to public treatments, care must be taken when using costeffectiveness analysis to decide what types of treatments should be included in the public...
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Abstract Diagnostic tests and in particular laboratory tests are often important in diagnostic work-up and monitoring of patients. Therefore the economic consequences of medical actions based on test results may amount to a substantial proportion of health service costs. Thus, it is of public...
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Rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag av Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet og skal analysere effekter av bruk av anbud i helseregionene etter sykehusreformen, og drøfte alternative modeller for bruk av private leverandører, herunder mulige effekter på prioriterting, kvalitet, kostnadseffektivitet og...
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A central theme in the international debate on genetic testing concerns the extent to which insurance companies should be allowed to use genetic information in their design of insurance contracts. This issue is analysed within a model with the following important feature: A person's well-being...
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Activity-based financing (ABF) was implemented in the Norwegian hospital sector from 1 July 1997. A fraction (30 to 50 per cent) of the block grant from the state to the county councils has been replaced by a matching grant depending upon the number and composition of hospital treatments. As a...
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In this essay a conceptual and theoretical scheme for decentralized integrated health care systems of the northern European kind is developed. With small changes it is also applicable to other countries, e.g. Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Three ideas tie together the scheme: modified fiscal...
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The literature on supplier inducement suffers from inability to distinguish the effect of better access from the effect of patient shortage. Data from the Norwegian capitation trial in general practice give us an opportunity to make this distinction and hence, study whether service provision by...
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Dette notatet er dels beskrivende og dels diskuterende. Vi beskriver omfanget av det internasjonale helsemarkedet basert på tilgjengelig statistikk. Vi beskriver reguleringen av handel med helsetjenester med henvisning til GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) og EU/EØS. I den...
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We study how market conditions influence referrals of patients by general practitioners (GPs). We set up a model of GP referral for the Norwegian health care system, where a GP receives capitation payment based on the number of patients in his practice, as well as fee-for-service reimbursements....
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