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This dissertation consists of empirical essays within the subject of health economics. There are four essays in applied micro-econometrics and, as data in Essays 2 and 4 have a panel format, econometric methods for panel data are applied. Tobit-type models for limited dependent variables are...
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The impact of quality on the demand facing health care providers has important implications for the industrial organization of health care markets. In this paper we study the consumers' choice of general practitioner (GP) assuming they are unable to observe the true quality of GP services. A...
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On June 1, 2001 a reform took place in Norwegian general practice. This implied some advantages of importance to empirical analysis. First, a new organisation and a new payment system were introduced, which makes it possible to perform before-after analysis. Second, the GPs' preferred list-sizes...
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The paper examines the heterogeneity with respect to the impact of a financial reform - Activity Based Financing (ABF) - on hospital efficiency in Norway. Measures of technical efficiency and of cost-efficiency are considered. The data set is from a contiguous ten-year panel of 47 hospitals...
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After 16 years of exemptions from the ban on indoor smoking in other places of work, Norway became the second country after Ireland to implement a smoke-free regime in pubs and restaurants. This paper evaluates the economic impact on the hospitality sector in a northern region with a cold...
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In this paper we study individuals' choice of general practitioners (GPs) utilizing revealed preferences data from the introduction of a regular general practitioner scheme in Norway. Having information on relevant travel distances, we compute decision makers' travel costs associated with...
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Dette er en oppfølgingsstudie av en kartlegging som har blitt gjennomført i 2001, 2003, 2005 og 2007. Kartleggingen baserer seg på arbeidet gjort av en forskningsgruppe ved Senter for helseadministrasjon (nå Avdeling for helseledelse og helseøkonomi) ved Universitetet i Oslo, bestående av...
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Formålet med denne rapporten er å beskrive de nordiske lands tjenesteprofiler innenfor de kommunale omsorgstjenestene. Med tjenesteprofil menes blant annet antall brukere og type brukergrupper, tjenestens organisering og tjenestens driftskostnader, samt fordelingen mellom hjemmebasert versus...
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Norge, som alle andre vestlige land, står foran en periode med betydelig økning i antall eldre. Økningen både i antall og andel eldre blir feilaktig beskrevet som en ”eldrebølge”. Beskrivelsen er feilaktig fordi flere eldre ikke er et forbigående fenomen. Det er ingen bølge. Økningen...
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The purpose of this text is to describe a procedure that can be used to construct a Herfindahl-Hirschman index of market concentration based on the following two pieces of information: <p> <p> a) An output measure of individual producers located in areas identified with a postal code. <p> b) A matrix...</p></p></p>
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