Showing 1 - 10 of 45
This paper presents a medical cost function developed for a screening programme. The medical cost function is a function of advancement both directly and indirectly through survival. We discuss how the medical cost function is affected by screening through a shift in the distribution of cancers...
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We use a dependent competing risks hazard rate model to investigate individual sickness absence behaviour in Norway, on the basis of register data covering more than 2 million absence spells. Our findings are: i) that business cycle improvements yield lower work-resumption rates for persons who...
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On the basis of a randomized controlled trial we estimate the cost per life-year gained for six different strategies for colorectal cancer screening. Individuals in the age group 50 to 64 years were randomly selected for either flexible sigmoidoscopy or a combination of flexible sigmoidoscopy...
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Bakgrunn. Mesteparten av den elektive aktiviteten i en sykehusavdeling foregår på dagtid gjennom ukens hverdager, selv om den akutte virksomheten foregår hele døgnet. Hvordan pasientbelastning og legeressurser fordeler seg gjennom døgnet i en sammenhengende tidsperiode i en avdeling er...
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Denne rapporten følger norske offentlige sykehus fra 1999 til 2012, -13 år med omveltinger i helsesektoren med blant annet overføring av eierskap fra fylke til staten, et stort antall sammenslåinger av sykehus til større helseforetak, innføringen av lovpålagt enhetlig ledelse, og...
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The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on population aging and growth in health expenditures. The Red Herring hypothesis, i.e., that hospital expenditures are driven by the occurrence of mortal illnesses, and not patients’ age, forms the basis of the study. The data applied in...
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A growing body of empirical studies have reported that social inequalities in health are as large (or even larger) in the Nordic welfare states than in many less egalitarian societies. This is highly surprising since the welfare state is rooted in income equality, free access to education and...
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In the Norwegian health care system equal distribution and access to care regardless of social status, gender, ethnicity and area of living has been raised as an important issue. This paper studies the extent to which the principle of “equal access” to specialized health care is maintained...
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I denne artikkelen viser forfatterne Guttormsen, Moger og Kristiansen hvordan vi kan analysere verdien av informasjon i helseøkonomisk evaluering. I de fleste analyser er det usikkerhet knyttet til både helseeffekter og kostnader, i noen tilfeller kan denne usikkerheten reduseres ved å...
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I denne artikkelen drøfter forfatterne bruk av nyere metoder innen økonomisk evaluering som samfunnet kan bruke for å prioritere mellom ulike behandlinger der både effektene og kostnadene er usikre. Tradisjonelt har man brukt p-verdier når man skal vurdere om én behandling er bedre enn en...
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