Showing 1 - 10 of 96
Using a dynamic model of the control of an infectious disease, we derive the conditions under which eradication will be optimal. When eradication is feasible, the optimal program requires either a low vaccination rate or eradication. A high vaccination rate is never optimal. Under special...
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Cost effectiveness is a criterion that is often recommended for prioritizing between different types of health care. A modified use of this criterion can be justified as the outcome of a choice that is made “behind a veil of ignorance”. Reduced health will in many cases also gives an income...
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The criterion of cost-effectiveness in health management may be given a welfaretheoretical justification if people are risk neutral with respect to life years. With risk aversion, the optimal allocation of health expenditures change: Compared to the costeffective allocation, more resources...
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I derive alternative measures of maximum willingness to pay (WTP) and value of statistical life (VSL) related to changes in the supply of a public good affecting mortality for both members of two-person households, when members are selfish, live for at most two periods, and strike efficient Nash...
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We present a stated-preference study where values of statistical lives (VSL) are derived both as public and private goods, and we distinguish between three different death causes, heart disease, environmentally related illnesses and traffic accidents. 1000 randomly chosen individuals in Norway...
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The focus of this paper is to discuss and compare different approaches to calculate the statistical value of life (VSL) based on survey data. In this paper, we find out that people significantly prefer to reduce the premature death related to the environmental pollution than to reduce the...
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The paper discusses how to derive empirical estimates of the value of a statistical life (VSL) from observations of highway driving speeds, and from how such speeds are affected by speed limits and penalties for speeding. When drivers optimize with respect to driving speeds, we discuss three...
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Dette er en oppfølgingsstudie av en kartlegging som har blitt gjennomført i 2001, 2003, 2005 og 2007. Kartleggingen baserer seg på arbeidet gjort av en forskningsgruppe ved Senter for helseadministrasjon (nå Avdeling for helseledelse og helseøkonomi) ved Universitetet i Oslo, bestående av...
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Formålet med denne rapporten er å beskrive de nordiske lands tjenesteprofiler innenfor de kommunale omsorgstjenestene. Med tjenesteprofil menes blant annet antall brukere og type brukergrupper, tjenestens organisering og tjenestens driftskostnader, samt fordelingen mellom hjemmebasert versus...
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Norge, som alle andre vestlige land, står foran en periode med betydelig økning i antall eldre. Økningen både i antall og andel eldre blir feilaktig beskrevet som en ”eldrebølge”. Beskrivelsen er feilaktig fordi flere eldre ikke er et forbigående fenomen. Det er ingen bølge. Økningen...
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