Showing 1 - 10 of 13
This paper extends the job creation - job destruction approach to the labor market to take into account the life-cycle of workers. Forward looking decisions about hiring and firing depend on the time over which to recoup adjustment costs. The equilibrium is typically featured by increasing...
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This paper analyzes the importance of policy variables in the context of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application timing decision. Previously, we explicitly modeled the optimal timing of SSDI application using dynamic structural models. We estimated these models using data from...
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This paper develops a life-cycle approach to equilibrium unemployment. Workers only differ respectively to their distance from deterministic retirement. A non age-directed search equilibrium is then typically featured by increasing (decreasing) firing (hiring) rates with age and a hump-shaped...
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This paper examines the age-related design of firing taxes by extending the theory of job creation and job destruction …
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This paper develops dynamic structural models - an option value model and a dynamic programming model - of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application timing decision. We estimate the time to application from the point at which a health condition first begins to affect the kind...
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In this paper, we set up a three-period stochastic overlapping generations model to analyze the implications of income inequality and mobility for demand for redistribution and social insurance. We model the size of two different public programs under the welfare state. We investigate...
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Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes zur Höhe der Regelsätze in der Grundsicherung hat in Deutschland eine breite öffentliche Diskussion über Arbeitsanreize im Niedriglohnbereich ausgelöst. Der BDA und das IW haben in diesem Zusammenhang einen Vorschlag in die Diskussion eingebracht,...
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Ökonomische Effizienz und soziale Gerechtigkeit stehen nicht im Widerspruch zueinander. Workfare ist sozial gerecht. Durch das Prinzip von Leistung und Gegenleistung wird dafür gesorgt, dass sich die Inanspruchnahme von Leistungen der Grundsicherung auf diejenigen beschränkt, die tatsächlich...
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The view is widespread that there are just two options for the future of the Eurozone – either it is complemented by a fiscal union, or it will fall apart. In this paper, we discuss five possible elements of a fiscal union, of which three are in the centre of the current debate on fiscal union...
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In Germany, there is an ongoing debate about how to increase the efficiency of the social security system and especially its financing. The aim of this paper is to simulate different financing systems for Germany. The introduction of a Liberal British or the Southern Greek financing system...
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