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This paper provides further evidence of the co-movements and dynamic volatility spillovers between stock markets and oil prices for a sample of four oil-exporting countries (United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela). We make use of a multivariate GJR-DCCGARCH approach developed...
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This paper aims to explore the links between Brent crude oil index and stock markets index in OECD countries. We estimate time-varying conditional correlation relationships among these variables by employing a Multivariate Fractionally Integrated Asymmetric, Power ARCH model with dynamic...
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The paper analyses the time-varying conditional correlations between stock markets and oil
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This paper shows the usefulness and relevance of the multivariate fractional cointegration in exploring the dynamic
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This paper aims to explore the links between Brent crude oil index and stock markets index in OECD countries. We estimate time-varying conditional correlation relationships among these variables by employing Engle’s (2002) Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC). This process detects...
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This paper aims to explore the links between Brent crude oil index and stock markets index in OECD countries. We estimate time-varying conditional correlation relationships among these variables by employing a Multivariate Fractionally Integrated Asymmetric, Power ARCH model with dynamic...
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This paper develops and estimates an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of South Africa. We devote special attention to the impact of stock price wealth effects on output and the interest rate. For this reason we adopt a perpetual youth approach, which allows for a limited...
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The euro area is experiencing a sovereign debt crisis; as a result, the foundations of its monetary union have been shattered. This crisis, which is an extension of an international financial crisis, shows that the European Union is not an optimum currency area. Robert Mundell’s work remains...
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This article examines the volatility dependence between the crude oil price and four US dollar exchange rates using both fractional cointegration and copula techniques. The former exploits the long memory behavior of the volatility processes to investi
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The aim of this article is to examine: how the dynamics of correlations between five emerging countries (Argentina, Chili, Hungary, Russia and Poland), two emerging regions (Latin America (LAC) and Europe (EU)) and U.S. evolved from January 2004 to September 2011. The main contribution of this...
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