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estimated via local polynomials with loess or kernel weighting, asymptotic theory is derived for the latter. In keeping with the … without deriving asymptotic theory on a case-by-case basis. The methods are applied to a series of examples. The application … to nutrition is called "nonparametric calibration" after the term used for studies in that field. Other applications …
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analysis. In the usual linear model with no missing data, method of moments estimates and normal-theory maximum likelihood … discussed. -- Measurement Error ; Errors-in-Variables ; Estimating Equations ; Nutrition ; Sampling Designs ; Linear regression …
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techniques, regression splines and kernel estimation, of which both can be used in the presence of measurement error. Within the … ; Measurement Error ; Local Polynomial Regression ; SIMEX ; Asymptotic theory ; Estimating Equations ; Nonlinear Regression … ; Bandwidth Selection ; Regression Splines ; Sandwich Estimation …
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from a nutrition study are analyzed using the methods. Finally, the results from a simulation study are presented and the … performances of the methods compared. -- Bootstrap ; Measurement Error ; Errors-in-Variables ; Asymptotic theory ; Estimating … Equations ; Nonlinear Regression ; Nutrition …
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need for devices such as second derivative estimation and multiple bandwidths of different order. We derive a similar … estimator in the context of local (multivariate) estimation based on estimating functions. As expected, this lower order bias is …
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used for the estimation of each additive component without taking into account the parametric link of the functions. In a …
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based on the inverse selection probability weights. Distribution theory is derived when the selection probabilities are …
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We use ideas from estimating function theory to derive new, simply computed consistent covariance matrix estimates in …
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There are three major points to this article: 1. Measurement error causes biases in regression fits. The line one would obtain if one could accurately measure exposure to environmental lead media will differ in important ways when one measures exposure with error. 2. The effects of measurement...
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which perform better asymptotically in some circumstances. -- semiparametric estimation ; Local linear regression ; local …
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