Showing 1 - 10 of 33
"Institutional changes in the governance of employment services were the starting point of comprehensive labour market and social policy reforms - the so-called Hartz-reforms (2003-2005) - in Germany. Particularly with the Hartz IV reform in 2005 Germany's status- and occupation-oriented social...
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"Institutional changes in the governance of employment services were the starting point of comprehensive labour market and social policy reforms - the so-called Hartz-reforms (2003-2005) - in Germany. Particularly with the Hartz IV reform in 2005 Germany's status- and occupation-oriented social...
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"This report presents results from a qualitative study on the implementation of a startup subsidy for unemployed welfare recipients (the so-called 'Einstiegsgeld'). Our central findings are: - After the introduction of Einstiegsgeld in 2005 the inflow into the start-up subsidy reached an early...
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"Das Forschungs-Informations-System ist ein am Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen angesiedeltes neues Verfahren zur webbasierten wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung. Basis des Systems sind so genannte Wissenslandkarten, durch die verschiedene Themen strukturiert dargestellt...
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Konsequenzen für die Umsetzung der gesetzlich geregelten Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Dies gilt auch für die daran geknüpfte ergänzende …
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"This paper proposes a simple multi-industry trade model with search frictions in the labor market. Unimpeded access to global financial markets enables capital owners to invest abroad, thereby fostering unemployment at the extensive industry margin. Whether a country benefits from FDI in terms...
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"This paper deals with the strategic reorientation concerning the instruments of active labor market policy in Germany which came into force at January 1st 2009. The main objective of this reform was to streamline the portfolio of existing instruments and make it more transparent and clearly...
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"This article provides a result-oriented view on the current status of German active labor market policy evaluation. The literature shows that nearly all groups of instruments positively affect the labor market prospects of at least particular groups of participants. However, regarding the...
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"By the time the Second Social Code (SGB II) came into force in January 2005, the structure of programmes of active labour market policy was changed by the introduction of the SGB II-work opportunities, respectively additional jobs (so-called 'one-euro jobs'). According to §16 (3) (now §16d)...
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an einer der quantitativ bedeutsameren Maßnahmen aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik teilgenommen haben. Die Ergebnisse eines …
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